Monday, July 27, 2009

More on plastic bags

A little rant:  I'm so dismayed that the OTL tournament resulted in a plethora of white plastic bags littered all over Fiesta island.  I'm a competitive marathon runner, and I run many many miles around the island.  The days after the tournaments, bags were literally scattered everywhere.  After my first lap, I took the next lap to gather up bags as I ran around and at least throw them in the trash cans, which are right there!  I don't understand why the clean-up for the event did not include gathering up the trash that blew all over.  It's especially troubling that the bags are right on our beautiful bay and will end up there if not picked up.  I can't believe that I personally ended up being the clean-up crew out of all the hundreds of people that actually participated in the event.  Oh well, I'm glad to have done my tiny little part to keep the bay healthy.  I would love to see a ban like there is in San Francisco or at least a tax like is being proposed in D.C. since obviously there is no general motivation to reduce or even control our use of these toxic white things.

1 comment:

Olive Branch GBS said...

Just updating that I was at Fiesta Island this morning and there was a group of five apparently self-organized environmentally conscious individuals cleaning up trash on the east side of the island facing the parking lot. It looked beautiful where they had picked up the trash. I spoke to the group and expressed my appreciation but now I wish I would have got their names or at least told them to come get a free shower head or aluminum water bottle from Olive Branch!