Monday, August 24, 2009

Light therapy

I knew the natural lighting would benefit me when we installed the solatube at home, but now we have discovered something that may be equally beneficial:  blue LED lights.  Thanks to one of our lighting suppliers, we were just alerted to the benefits of this lighting.  But first, I must say that I am trained as a researcher and am extremely skeptical of holistic and natural "therapies" unless there is scientific research to back it up.  So once the lighting person told us that blue LEDs have an effect on circadian rhythms, I got interested and then excited when I checked it out.  

Turns out there is a newly discovered cell in the eye that acts as a photoreceptor (in addition to rods and cones) that regulates our circadian rhythms (biological clocks).  In short, this cell is particularly sensitive to the blue light wavelengths of light emitting diodes (LEDs).  The blue light suppresses melatonin, which is in part responsible for sleep.  So researchers tried using LED lights during the day, basically to inhibit melatonin in case it's too dark, like during the winter or if there's some other upset making you produce too much melatonin during the day (e.g., jet lag).  

There are at least two studies I found in peer-reviewed journals that show improved mood in general and reduced depression for my favorite disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (see previous post about Solatube).  As I type, my blue light is shining, but resetting your biological clock to make it easier to get up in the morning presumably requires only about 45 minutes of blue light when you first waken.  I now drink my coffee to blue light.  Now of course it could be a placebo effect, but I swear I am waking up more easily.  I have to admit that for some reason I love the idea of this.  I guess because it's something that can improve mood via a non-pharmacological approach which I'm sure many would agree is a good thing for a multitude of reasons. 

I intend to try this out this winter; the acid test for anything light-related, since counteracting the effects of the brief daylight hours is paramount, for me at least.  I'll continue to update as the evidence comes in.  I'm recruiting my friends and others as experimental subjects in my own completely unscientific clinical trial.

And, oh yes!  The blue LED runs on 2, that's right, 2 watts of power.  How else could I feel good about this?     

Monday, August 10, 2009

Solatube natural lighting

Lisa and I try to use all the products we sell, so we can test them and give out first-hand information and, if we love them, then we have no restrictions on telling everybody what great products they are. So our latest product test is a Solatube (natural light tube). We installed one in our dark hallway and maybe divine is too strong a word but awesome is not! I love it. Everyone who has one or knows someone who has one has told us that once the first one is installed, then whoever it is always gets more. I see why. I now want one in my office and my bathroom, just for starts! It's almost like a window got installed in the hallway. You can't see out of course, but the light coming in is exactly like the bright light from a window. Being an early riser, I also dig on the light coming into the hallway outside my bedroom as soon as it gets light outside. (You can get a diffuser that makes it dark if that's not your thing and you want to control the light.) As a self-diagnosed sufferer of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), I am loving this extra (guilt-free) light coming into my home!

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch