Wednesday, November 25, 2009

green behavior

What makes us go green? As a behavioral scientist, I am excited to see research that begins to answer this questions. As with most research questions, however, research studies typically provoke more questions than they answer. We don't exactly know why we engage in green behavior, but we are getting an idea of what things might make us behave "more green."

A few things we've learned about what might promote people to recycle:

(1) Being reminded helps a lot.
A study in a university setting showed that just by posting signs to remind individuals to recycle (in proximity to a convenient way to do it), recycling increased by 29%.

(2) If we get feedback on how we're doing, it helps a lot.
In another university setting, as a result of just posting the number of aluminum cans recycled the previous week, recycling increased by 65%.

(3) Making recycling fun can help a LOT.
This is not a published study, but it is definitely my favorite.  Just by making bottle and can recycling a game, this recycling unit was used 100 times in one night compared to a neighboring unit being used 2 times. 

(4) If we think others are doing it, we'll do it too!
A really interesting study conducted in a hotel showed that the little signs asking guests to save water definitely make a difference in promoting towel re-use.  Moreover, a sign telling guests that 75% of the other guests are reusing towels helped even more.  And even more interesting?  A sign telling guests that other guests that stayed in the specific room they were staying in was even more influential.  That's right, for some reason, when the guests knew that other guests that had stayed in their same room were towel re-users, they were more likely to reuse themselves.

As a follow-up, there is a study in progress to evaluate whether individuals will be more inclined to save water and energy if their residential use bills give them the numbers about how much their neighbors are saving.

Humans are interesting animals, aren't we?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bright Green Future and MoveSD

Last weekend I made it up to the UCSD campus in La Jolla for the afternoon session on the second day of the Bright Green Future Conference. All afternoon speakers from a wide variety of fields gave short, presentations, providing a lot of information and insight in to the current state of the green development in San Diego. For example there was Bill Powers from the Sierra Club's Smart Energy Solutions Campaign who wants to put solar panels on every building for distributed energy production, rather than investing in more costly transmission lines from centralized sources outside the county. Joel Pointon from SDGE discussed how fortunate San Diego is to be the first city in the country to receive Nissan's plug-in electric car, the Leaf, as well as an infrastructure of charging stations to support it. We should also thank Richard V. Anthony for helping to bring us recycling with Zero Waste San Diego, and we should all support him with his next goal of a city wide composting service, COOL2012.

All of the speakers were engaging and together showed the breadth of sustainable initiatives in San Diego, but one in particular that captured my attention was the presentation from Alan Hoffman from Move SD. For the past five years this non-profit has been working to bring quick, effective, and affordable mass transit to San Diego that is collectively referred to as their FAST plan. This is especially appealing to me since I don't own a car. Because it is cheaper, the weather is always perfect, I live in the city, and I'd rather not contribute to a costly and harmful addiction to oil, I either walk, bike, or take the bus to get where I'm going.

So far not owning or driving a car hasn't had much of an impact on my life. Most everything I need is within a couple miles, but there are the occasional trips that remind me why not having a car in San Diego can be such a hassle. Taking the bus from North Park to La Jolla was one of these trips. Two buses and one transfer is not that hard to manage, but the hour and a half spent on those buses compared to what would have been a 20 minute car ride demonstrates the inefficiency of San Diego mass transit. Research from Move SD shows how although currently the trolley lines look great, they do a remarkably poor job of connecting areas of dense residential and commercial.

Their vision for San Diego is modeled after Brisbane, Australia which uses dedicated bus roads called quickways to keep the buses out of regular traffic and always moving. Under this model there are fewer transfers, fewer stops (more express routes), and shorter wait times due to high frequency of buses. This network besides being faster than the current bus or trolley system would also be based upon researched commuting patterns, so it would be more accessible , direct, and get people closer to their destinations. Increased public transit efficiency also gets more cars off the road, improving traffic for those still driving. Even more remarkable is that the FAST plan would cost less than what SANDAG's Regional Transportation Plan has already budgeted.

The detail of research and planning Move SD has done on this project may be the most impressive thing about it. They give the impression of almost being ready to simply hand over the blueprints to the city. I hope the city is listening, and that sooner rather than later we can see some implementation of FAST. How long will it take me then to get to UCSD for the next Bright Green Future Conference? I can't say for sure, but I hope it will be enough to convince at least a few more people to leave the car in the driveway.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Natural Step

Recently I read Natural Step for Communities: How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices, and I was very impressed. In the book they provide a framework for what a sustainable society or community should be and the methods needed to achieve that goal. Developed by scientists in Sweden, the Natural Step is essentially four simple rules that become guidelines for developing sustainable solutions. Already many municipalities throughout Sweden and several major corporations have successfully adopted these strategies with universally positive results.
The four rules are simply this:

To become a sustainable society we must...
1. eliminate our contribution to the progressive buildup of substances extracted from the Earth's crust (for example, heavy metals and fossil fuels)
2. eliminate our contribution to the progressive buildup of chemicals and compounds produced by society (for example, dioxins, PCBs, and DDT )
3. eliminate our contribution to the progressive physical degradation and destruction of nature and natural processes (for example, over-harvesting forests and paving over critical wildlife habitat); and
4. eliminate our contribution to conditions that undermine people’s capacity to meet their basic human needs (for example, unsafe working conditions and not enough pay to live on).
(taken from:

I think there is so much to like about this. First, it's simple and to the point. It removes all the details that can stir people away, thinking it is too large of an issue to tackle, and gets to what is absolutely essential to sustainable living. Secondly, there is no real political or ideological spin that can drive people apart, since these four principals are derived from facts everyone can agree on. Finally, due to its simplicity it is highly scalable, from the choices an individual makes in his or her home to the actions of communities, businesses, states, or even nations.

The book has some great examples of how the Natural Step has been applied and what other communities can learn from these cases, or you can learn more about them on their website Maybe the most important lesson to take from this organization is not their specific framework, but that change is possible. For many of us it may seem that becoming a sustainable society is an impossibility and that in order for us to live and grow we must always take at the expense of the Earth. The communities who have followed the Natural Step or other examples like it around the world have proven this notion false and have shown that living in concert with the environment is a goal all of us can achieve.


Monday, October 12, 2009

compost passion

As I posted in an earlier blog, we started composting as a result of not using plastic liners in our trash.  I am in love with the compost.  I haven't even used it for anything yet, but the rich, dark, heavily scented and alive mulch just brings me a tiny bit of joy!  As with others who are starting to compost, it's been a process as I learned how to adjust the recipe to discourage flies, reduce unpleasant odors and encourage decomposition at a reasonable rate.  

What I'm noticing now, is that I'm not alone in my passion for the compost.  Anyone I've met that has a compost talks about it with a serious emotional attachment.  For example, a good friend of mine in northern Cal wrote a few months ago complaining about her frustration with not being able to find a compost bin.  She then wrote recently with the following note:  "I found a bin about a week after my rant to you about not being able to find a bin locally. You can bet I've let the city (and anyone else who would listen) know about that. After trial and error, last month I turned out a beautiful batch of rich crumbly compost and put it in the garden. This morning as I drank my cup of tea in the backyard - while admiring my plants and enjoying the activity of birds, squirrels and a lizard - I thought of you and Lisa.  I had to write and say hi. I hope you are doing well!"  Can't you just feel the magic of the compost?  And the websites, blogs, and compost classes are further testament to the attraction of composting.  I speculate it's the connection with nature, like gardening, only much easier.  The transformation of our personal garbage to nutrient-rich and life-giving planting material is really amazing if not downright miraculous. 

Try this experiment:  ask others about their compost.  I guarantee they will talk as long as you like and give you all the details of their tiniest contributions to their bins along with blow-by-blow histories of how they arrived at their current compost recipe with an energy and excitement of sports fans whose team won the national championship.  And truthfully, I'm about a 1000 times more interested in the compost!

lynn, co-owner Olive Branch  

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Farming in Downtown San Diego

This past Saturday my roommate and I decided to head downtown and lend a hand at San Diego City College's urban farm. As a collaboration between the college, San Diego Roots Sustainable Food Project, San Diego High School, and Garfield High School the farm that was once a small patch of campus lawn in the summer of 2008 is now a productive farm that serves as a classroom, an example of local sustainable agriculture, and a source of fresh vegetables for city dwellers who stop by its farm stand every Tuesday morning.

For several hours Saturday morning myself and a few other volunteers, helped prepare a cover crop on one of the farms lower terraces. This crop will not be harvested, but instead the wheat and lima beans we planted will be cut down to feed the soil and make it more fertile for the next planting. It was a unique experience turning soil, watering, laying seed and compost for a lifelong city-dweller like myself, and even more odd that I had to go downtown rather than out in to the country to do it.

I hope that soon changes though and that City College's curious patch of agriculture surrounded by skyscrapers becomes the norm not an oddity. By farming locally in urban centers, and doing so organically we can simultaneously reduce our use of oil (for transportation and fertilization of food), reduce our waste through composting, and increase our self-sufficiency in case of disasters or emergencies that limit external supplies. Thankfully I think it may be a growing trend. San Diego Roots sponsors several projects around the county that you can read about here. There is also Greensgrow in Philadelphia, which is a great example of brownfield reclamation. Finally we can all learn something from Cuba where the fall of the Soviet Union coupled with trade embargoes forced the development of urban organoponicos to fight food shortages.

Down the street from Olive Branch is an empty, fenced-in lot. I walk by it often and think that maybe there's opportunity in that lot for North Park's very own urban farm. Until that happens though, City College's farm is a great example of what is possible.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

the bees

The bees.  Ever since, as a city inspector, I was hearing reports of weird bee infestations in new developments, it has been in the back of my mind that something is wrong in bee world.

Turns out, our bees are in trouble, which means we are in trouble.   One third of the human diet depends on plants pollinated by insects, predominately honeybees.  They are dying, from inbreeding, captivity, and lack of natural diversity.  The bee business consists of boxing and shipping them to the almond groves of California, a month later to the apple orchards in Washington, a month later the cherry groves of Montana.  Then the grossest thing of all happens . . . Arlee Apiary bees are sent to a sandy lot near San Francisco, where they spend the winter living on corn syrup.  5000 hives are fed from a 300-gallon tank of corn syrup.  Their lids are sealed until the warmer weather arrives and back to work they go to the same monoculture crops that make the bees nutritionally stressed.  Heather Mattlila of Wellesley College, who studies honeybee behavior and genetics says, “one of the most devastating pressures on bees is the limit on what they can eat.  Vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins - all the same things we need to survive, come from pollen,” which come from different types of plants.

 “Bees have been around for 80 million years,” says Sam Comfort.  Commercial bee colonies, faced with massive mortality rates are not faring so well according an article written by Morgen E. Peck.  The national great bee die-off asks, “what has caused a third of all commercial honeybee colonies to perish each year since 2006?”

The answer is colony collapse disorder (CDC), meaning the bees are not strong enough to fight viral and bacterial infections, pesticide poisonings, and mite infestations.  “We need to have a diverse set of genetic raw material so we can find bees resistant to disease,” says Steve Sheppard, an entomologist at Washington State University.  “Genetic diversity is an important part of the solution.”

I care about the bees.  Not just because our food is dependent on them, but because I believe it is morally wrong to destroy the natural environment and carelessly eliminate other species.  If anyone wants to talk bees with me, please come on by!

Material for this blog post was taken directly and indirectly without permission from Discover Magazine.

Lisa, co-owner Olive Branch

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oh the sacrifices!

Yesterday I agreed to man the store while Lisa took a few hours off, presumably to get some chores done prior to her upcoming trip to see her mom in Mississippi.  When she arrives late, she asks for another 30 minutes, because it turns out she has to make a few finishing touches on the Chilipepper recirculating pump she has installed in our bathroom.  My first reaction was not one of support, I'm sorry to say.  (For one thing, I thought she was putting a second coat of paint on the living room and going to the grocery store.)  We are just testing it at this point, and so she installed it in our bathroom, which is a tiny 1927 craftsman bathroom with a pedestal sink, so now there is a small but ugly thing sitting on the floor with wires and extra supply line jutting out in my previously soothing and comforting bathroom.  Not only that, it is LOUD.

Okay, now the cool part.  What does this thing do?  Well, this is a pump with a computer chip, and when you press the button, it starts pushing the water that is sitting there in the line into the hot water heater and continues in a big loop until the water reaches a certain temperature at which point (25-30 sec) it turns off and your hot water is sitting there ready to come out of the faucets.  From my end what I see is that you press a button and then the machine comes on for 30 seconds, turns off on it's own, and then you turn the valve for the hot water, and OMG voila, hot water.  No wasted cold water running down the drain.  No expensive tankless water heater.  Just hot water.  

Lisa tells me we can put this under the house to hide the ugliness and muffle the noise (which is only for a few seconds anyway), and run the little button up through the floor so that we can just turn it on prior to using the hot water (anywhere in the house).  So once we finish this phase of the test, we will try the more permanent test.  If this works as good as it appears it might, then what a great product.  We have so many water-conscious customers that are diligently saving their cold water in buckets while the hot water heats up.  This could put an easy and efficient stop to all that it seems.  Status updates to follow.

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Light therapy

I knew the natural lighting would benefit me when we installed the solatube at home, but now we have discovered something that may be equally beneficial:  blue LED lights.  Thanks to one of our lighting suppliers, we were just alerted to the benefits of this lighting.  But first, I must say that I am trained as a researcher and am extremely skeptical of holistic and natural "therapies" unless there is scientific research to back it up.  So once the lighting person told us that blue LEDs have an effect on circadian rhythms, I got interested and then excited when I checked it out.  

Turns out there is a newly discovered cell in the eye that acts as a photoreceptor (in addition to rods and cones) that regulates our circadian rhythms (biological clocks).  In short, this cell is particularly sensitive to the blue light wavelengths of light emitting diodes (LEDs).  The blue light suppresses melatonin, which is in part responsible for sleep.  So researchers tried using LED lights during the day, basically to inhibit melatonin in case it's too dark, like during the winter or if there's some other upset making you produce too much melatonin during the day (e.g., jet lag).  

There are at least two studies I found in peer-reviewed journals that show improved mood in general and reduced depression for my favorite disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder (see previous post about Solatube).  As I type, my blue light is shining, but resetting your biological clock to make it easier to get up in the morning presumably requires only about 45 minutes of blue light when you first waken.  I now drink my coffee to blue light.  Now of course it could be a placebo effect, but I swear I am waking up more easily.  I have to admit that for some reason I love the idea of this.  I guess because it's something that can improve mood via a non-pharmacological approach which I'm sure many would agree is a good thing for a multitude of reasons. 

I intend to try this out this winter; the acid test for anything light-related, since counteracting the effects of the brief daylight hours is paramount, for me at least.  I'll continue to update as the evidence comes in.  I'm recruiting my friends and others as experimental subjects in my own completely unscientific clinical trial.

And, oh yes!  The blue LED runs on 2, that's right, 2 watts of power.  How else could I feel good about this?     

Monday, August 10, 2009

Solatube natural lighting

Lisa and I try to use all the products we sell, so we can test them and give out first-hand information and, if we love them, then we have no restrictions on telling everybody what great products they are. So our latest product test is a Solatube (natural light tube). We installed one in our dark hallway and maybe divine is too strong a word but awesome is not! I love it. Everyone who has one or knows someone who has one has told us that once the first one is installed, then whoever it is always gets more. I see why. I now want one in my office and my bathroom, just for starts! It's almost like a window got installed in the hallway. You can't see out of course, but the light coming in is exactly like the bright light from a window. Being an early riser, I also dig on the light coming into the hallway outside my bedroom as soon as it gets light outside. (You can get a diffuser that makes it dark if that's not your thing and you want to control the light.) As a self-diagnosed sufferer of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), I am loving this extra (guilt-free) light coming into my home!

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch

Monday, July 27, 2009

More on plastic bags

A little rant:  I'm so dismayed that the OTL tournament resulted in a plethora of white plastic bags littered all over Fiesta island.  I'm a competitive marathon runner, and I run many many miles around the island.  The days after the tournaments, bags were literally scattered everywhere.  After my first lap, I took the next lap to gather up bags as I ran around and at least throw them in the trash cans, which are right there!  I don't understand why the clean-up for the event did not include gathering up the trash that blew all over.  It's especially troubling that the bags are right on our beautiful bay and will end up there if not picked up.  I can't believe that I personally ended up being the clean-up crew out of all the hundreds of people that actually participated in the event.  Oh well, I'm glad to have done my tiny little part to keep the bay healthy.  I would love to see a ban like there is in San Francisco or at least a tax like is being proposed in D.C. since obviously there is no general motivation to reduce or even control our use of these toxic white things.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Snowball effect

in a good way! I blogged recently on making personal commitments to going green and Lisa commented on getting rid of trash-can liners. "Let's put the trash in a bag and then throw the bag away! A bag just for throwing away!" Now that we've done it, it just seems so ridiculous that we ever used them. So the snowball effect is that, one, we didn't want to throw yucky food in the trash, so we started a compost bin. That has been amazing. Needs some fine-tuning so we can use it effectively, but I can't believe how much stuff we've put in there and how little it is and how beautiful the compost is. And then next, two, with our trash reduced dramatically just from those two measures, we became aware of "what the heck is in our trash, anyway?" Packaging. Hard plastic, plastic wrap, containers, food boxes. Buying without the packaging, it turns out, is hard! So I'm not sure if we'll make headway on the packaging or focus on something else while slowly figuring out how to get away from it. We have done a very good job of using reusable bags at the grocery store at least. If a white plastic bag accidentally comes home, it is actually painful for me with the inescapable images of our oceans and fish being filled with these sickening and non-decomposing useless pieces of petroleum based garbage! 

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch Green Building Supply

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Green Washing

It's just the height of disgusting that toxic, unhealthy greedy products are being promoted as green in my opinion. I'm not the only one taking offense. There are those who are taking it to the courts: Gotta love it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Lisa just finished the Old House Fair in South Park and is on her way back to the store. While I watched her handing out cards this morning, I remarked "you love selling." She told me "I just love talking to people!" And here's the thing: she is telling the complete truth. If you've been here and you've met Lisa, you already know it's the truth. If you haven't met her, you should: she'll socialize with you, talk green products and installation, listen to what you have to say and at some point make everybody crack up. Those of us who know her, love her! With visitors to Olive Branch she is truly in her element. It is a thing of beauty!

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch

Friday, June 5, 2009

Green behavior

In order to stay alive and keep meals on the table while Olive Branch is just starting to grow, I still have to “work” (although one of the purposes of Olive Branch is to make money to support ourselves, it does not fall in the “work” category because it doesn’t feel like work). With a Ph.D. and a credential as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA-D) I have to get continuing education credits to keep my license current. Imagine my mood when I went to the recent behavior analysis conference in Phoenix and got all my credits going to presentations relating to sustainability! How could this be? Because, although technology will help us, it will not save us and ultimately it is our behavior that must change; and the behavior change must happen on a cultural level, as when we as a society took action on littering and smoking. The behavior analysts have a lot to say about how this might happen (although they have no simple answers) and I was fortunate to attend presentations by scientists such as the eminent Lonnie G. Thompson (paleoclimatologist) who can tell us what the priorities for change are. Back here in San Diego, I’m now very excited and fortunate to be in a position to find out exactly what people are doing. I would love to hear from anybody who can tell me (1) what behaviors they have changed toward going green and maybe even more important, (2) what motivated the change. For those of you reading this blog, leave a post and let us know what you're doing!

Lynn, co-owner Olive Branch

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our customers

One of our favorite customers, Chris, came in this morning to pick up her recycled ceramic tile and told me she was depressed.  The reason?  She had just come from the mall and was overwhelmed by all the excess and conspicuous consumption.  These are our customers.  They have made us realize that Olive Branch is bigger than us.  We are the vehicle but we are by no means the impetus to the availability of green products.  There are others even more passionate than us that desperately want to move as far away as possible from the throw-away society many of us grew up in.  Lisa has written on our glass board by our desk "thoughtful process not impulse buy."  That describes the people coming into our store perfectly.  They may be coming to learn or to get more information or because they have already done their research and have just been patiently waiting for someone to carry the products they want.  They come with great questions, often that we can't answer (we love that; we are learning too!).  "Our" customers:  it is an honor to be able to call them that.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

doing the right thing

Not a day goes by that someone doesn't walk in the store and tell us "we are so happy you are here."  It is so validating and energizing to know that we are appreciated.   People also constantly tell us they hope we "make it."  We do too.  The triple bottom line (people, planet and profit) is driving us.  Things are changing and business is being done in a new way.  Hopefully we are not too ahead of the wave to make it work.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Opening night

Fun is the word for what we had on Saturday night.  Although a few of our dear friends and supporters could not make it for various reasons, we saw so many old and special friends and could not have asked for better support.  It's a bit anti-climatic today, coming back to the shop after weeks of preparation, regrouping for our next project but it's all an adventure!  We are getting more and more manufacturers contacting us about carrying their products and so our research on investigating the "true green-ness" is cut out for us.  

Here are a few pictures from the opening! 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Finally opening for real!

We have been working so long and so late (in fact it's way past my bedtime right now) but we are finally ready and open for sales at Olive Branch GBS!  We have had the most amazing help. We are so lucky to have found Jamie Huffman our architect/designer for our custom sink cabinets. My dear friend Joel Martens has been our unofficial/official showroom design consultant who is just brimming with creative ideas about making our showroom look awesome (not the least of which is our low-cost and recycled material solution to hiding ugly but energy efficient florescent bulbs) and even as I speak I owe him a dinner.  Our Yolo paint just arrived and they have made us feel a part of their family already.  Other suppliers like our flooring supplier Ada Freed have been just so easy and wonderful to work with.  We absolutely love our new location and our friends have been coming to visit us much more than in our old location, which wasn't far away but was not the entertaining, hip and walking-friendly area we are in now.  So far, the one and only drawback of our location is that we are completely addicted to the incredible food and coffee and company of Linda and Greg at Cafe Forte around the corner!  I guess we'll have to make good on our promise to ride our bikes to work to save lunch money and burn off those calories!